Tag Archives: peak oil

BP Eco-Terror & Occultism: Tyranny By Fools (VIDEO)

BP (British Petroleum) GUILTY of Eco Terror

intheknow7 Channel

PDF here


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Oh beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain

for purple mountains majesty, above the fruited plains…

…always felt it was so poignant for one who cannot see, to  sing about what those of us who can, take for granted...

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According to Rothschild corporate controlled media we are being programmed to believe it’s all about the “cleanup” Really? that’s the least of it right now, because…


(above link updated daily, superimposes BP Eco-Terror disaster on your home town)

“Ecocide is the extensive destruction, damage to or loss of ecosystem(s) of a given territory, whether by human agency or by other causes, to such an extent that peaceful enjoyment by the inhabitants of that territory has been severely diminished.”

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Sadly, we’re witnessing the beginning stages of planned cataclysmic events, and the moderator is a firm believer that“it’s the origin of a thing that determines what it will, and will not do”…

BP founded 1909 as Anglo-Persian Oil Company; 1954 renamed British Petroleum Company; 1998 merger of British Petroleum and Amoco total assets $236B FY 2009; Anglo-Persian Oil Co explored (plundered) oilfields of Persia (Iran) BP is 3rd largest oil-oligarchy, and 2nd most lucrative asset of Black Nobility Rothschild Dynasty (see on this blog Speaking With One Voice) Rothschild’s funded oil magnate John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil (now Exxon Mobil) Both dynasties have had total control over the State of Alaska, and are major backers (controllers) of both Hegelian Dialectical left/right political paradigms — he who holds the purse strings, calls the tune…

The Alaskan MK’d Kitten, Ms. Drill Baby Drill! recently spewed her predictably ignorant ramblings on The O’Reilly Factor, when asked pointedly  (his set up dripping w/disdain) “Do you know how to stop it?”— viewers were treated to yet another moose in the headlights death stare, accompanied by several seconds of silence, before she launched into a tirade about Norwegians and Dutch dikes. An exasperated O’Reilly pressed further — “what would you do, tell the nation, go!”

Kissinger’s MK’d Palin on O’Reilly Factor

(4:24) “Stop…stopping the gusher”

Eco-Terror Zionist Principals:

Zionist Black Nobility Eco-Terrorists

British Petroleum (BP)

Carl Henric Svanberg ; Chmn. w/impeccable Bilderberg resume uttered this gem  — “we care about the small people”

Tony Haywood ; former CEO (w/hideous hairpiece) “The Gulf of Mexico is a very big ocean (?) The amount of volume of oil and dispersant we are putting into it is tiny in relation to the total water volume” — cashed out 1/3 of his holdings weeks before, suggesting foreknowledge…

Goldman Sachs sold $250M worth of BP  stock  1st qtr 2010

Halliburton buys “Boots and Coots” for $240M (11) days before disaster

BP has (4) direct links to Bilderberg: former CEO John Brown, Chmn Carl Henric Svanberg, CEO T. Hayward and…

Jesuit Peter Sutherland who formerly served as World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Dir. General, EU Commissioner & Chmn of the European Trilateral Commission (founded by Obama’s master Zbigniew Brzezinski & David Rockefeller, Sr.) I could do an entire post on Sutherland’s interlocking, interwoven globalist antics! Please research this Jesuit, Rothschild, Vatican  agent —  current positions: Chrmn British Petroleum (BP) ; Chrmn Goldman Sachs and Financial Advisor to Pope w/this absurdly grandiose  title…

Consultor of the Extraordinary Section of the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic

The top recipient of BP donations during  2008 POTUS campaign was Obama. Similarly, the second highest political action committee (PAC) contributing to a political candidate in 2008 was Goldman Sachs. The beneficiary of their largess: Mr. Yes We Can! Obama (more on globalist connections here)

Deep Water HorizonTrans Ocean; Halliburton

A cursory glance of websites from above Eco-Terrorists shows more concern for controlling perception, than stopping millions of gallons of oil gushing into Gulf of Mexico — “if we can  just fool em’ into thinking we care, they’ll go back to sleep and we can get on w/polluting & profiting!

Nalco & Corexit 9500 disperant

Corexit effect as neurotoxin

Barack Hussein Obama (a.k.a. Barry Davis) continues to LIE through his cosmetically bonded teeth, in his starring role as Shill-In-Chief for oil oligarchies and global banksters! American electorate under media generated mass-hypnosis, actually put a man in the White House whose very name and place of birth is in question! Sources of his financing remain a mystery, his State Senate voting records and college transcripts (routinely required for most  jobs) remain sealed — the woman who sits outside his office on phone duty MUST provide this info, but he doesn’t? Insane!


meet some more of the gang…

Global Zionist Overlords

1) Lord Jacob de Rothschild. 2) son Nathaniel 3) Baron John de Rothschild, who recently said they’re working towards global governance 4) Sir Evelyn de Rothschild and politically bi-polar wifey Lynn Forrester in true Hegelian Dialectical form, straddles both parties; on Democratic party platform committee, but stumps for McCain/Palinattended rallies (@3:16) , while evangelical Palin flashed Baphomet (devil horn) Signs and notorious MK-Ultra Mind Control Prog’mr “Mr. Proud To Be An American” Lee Greenwood performed! 5) David Rockefeller, Sr. who’s son Nick, while making him an offer for Nevada Governorship, told film director Aaron Russo (now deceased ) about 9/11 in advance

Rockefeller Offers Not Wise To Refuse

6) Nathan Warburg, whose family, was not only instrumental in creating the treasonous Federal Reserve, but along w/Rockefeller’s Standard Oil, Brown Bros. Harriman w/ Mgr. Dir. Prescott Bush also financed Nazi regime! 7) Herr Heinz (Henry) Kissinger, MK-Ultra Mind Control Prog’mr, global mgt. team consigliere, war criminal 8) George Soros, financier and NGO manipulator 9) Paul Volcker, globalist and economic advisor to Zbigniew Brzezinski s hand-picked puppet Obama. 10) Larry Summers economic advisor to Obama  11) Lloyd Blankfein, CEO Global Mgt. Team investment banksters Goldman Sachs 12) Ben Shalom Bernanke, chief Fed Reserve bankster, who w/sidekick Henry Paulson (VIDEO) looted U.S. economy during installation of Obama, plunging U.S. taxpayers into downward spiral of intractable debt and despair, while Kissinger’s Alaskan MK’d Kitten performed brilliantly, distracting electorate from Rothschild “snatch-n-grab!” BTW Federal Reserve not “federal” and there are no “reserves”…Are you finally awakening to who the REAL terrorists are?

Accomplices: Rothschild media engaged in “BLACK-OUT” since June 2010 — not a whisper about annual Bilderberg meeting in Sitges  Spain June 3-6 during Palin “boob-gate” at Belmont, where she was “palling around w/Black Nobility” MaryLou Whitney (see SITREP SP003) they continue playing roles as official propagandists for oil oligarchy, while new Gulf Intel explodes daily on web — see on this blog Speaking With One Voice


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Big Oil’s Biggest Secret: Supply Has Never Been Limited!

This centuries old scam is like a convenience stores having “going out of business sales” every day — a con game on a planetary scale, reaping staggering profits…

ABIOGENIC OIL is produced by geological actions in the earth itself, by intense pressures on carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and sculpture. The pressures required to create oil are natural as one goes down to certain depths under the heavy crust and in upper layers of earth’s mantle. Oil is the natural lubrication system for the crust and the upper layers of the mantle, as it shifts and orbits the planet’s core. GMT has hidden this Intel in order to reap obscene profits via funding (paying off) academics (think tanks), scientists, and through threats of withholding funding from educational institutions.  This open secret has kept oil prices artificially inflated — click here and here for details…


Peak Oil is a myth,  an ingenious marketing scheme!

Big-Oil’s assets are used to buy media, politicians, whole sections of gov’t (Dept. of Energy, Dept. of Interior), regulators, et al; basically “hush money” allowing their schemes to continue unabated. All the talk about shortages (remember 1970’s gas shortages, long lines, odd/even license plates etc.) is TOTAL FICTION! GMT are experts at “creating reality” via control of media, international PR firms (Hill & Knowlton) and of course Hollywood, which largely creates the perception of our collective worldview. What do you think PR/marketing/advertising is? It’s say/do whatever you have to in order to sell the product at the maximum price the market will bear, in shortthe science of lying…

Sea Shepherd Aerial Video of Deep Water Horizon Gulf  of Mexico prior to NSA/CIA NO-FLYOVER edict — oh yes, this is pure Black Ops folks!

Deep Water Horizon Well catastrophe was a wanton disregard for human life, aquatic-marine life and the ecosystem, potentially rendering the Gulf of Mexico, and bordering land masses uninhabitable for decades. Depending on atmospheric conditions, it may quickly spread well beyond coastal region…

They’ve Literally Punched A Hole Into Hell!

BP WILL NEVER RELEASE “proprietary” Mudlog Data which provides an x-ray of every well in Gulf of Mexico! Mr. Yes We Can, who’s briefed daily on all aspects of ongoing Eco-Terror Op is LYING to you,  and allowing us to be “counted as sheep for slaughter” at the hands of  Zionist-Globalists…

NOAA National Oceanic Atmospheric Association

USGS.gov U.S. Geological Survey

NASA Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Gulf of Mexico

Intel  MSM is under orders NOT to release to masses

Richard Hoagland radio interview re: Gulf of Mexico Eco-Terror —  possible Mt. Saint Helen’s underwater w/ 15-20 mile diameter toxic methane gas bubble, already causing fissures under pressure of 100K psi

(Part 1)

(Part  2)

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A.C. Griffith 6/8/2010 on Coast To Coast radio

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Lindsey Williams interview on Abiotic Oil and BP’s Corporate Malfeasance

click here for remainder of interview

Due to Rothschild’s iron-fisted control of media, Big Oil’s reckless disregard for human life in Africa doesn’t make headlines in U.S., then again, it is Africa after all and Americans don’t REALLY care about them, do we? GMT has centuries of experience in “divide and conquer”,distract and destroy” tactics — playing off latent racism — witness Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, Sarah L. Palin’s popularity. The seeds of  a demogouge must have a field to be planted in…

click here for preview of impending catastrophe

Lake Nyos in Cameroon Africa Methane Explosion

(Limnic Eruption)

CHINA targeted w/Eco-Terror

Massive Oil Disaster in Yellow Sea of China

Financial Times article

wait a minute…pics and vids from Communist China, but no real coverage from the Gulf of Mexico in freedom loving, 1st Amendment having America?

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Global Mgt. Team Sponsored Eco Terror (or EcoCide)

…from Louisiana to the Florida panhandle will be an ecological nightmare on an apocalyptic level, and yet even that unimaginable devastation is ONLY THE BEGINNING! click here for feet to miles converter

Gulf  of  Mexico States Population as of  6/2010 (millions)

source U.S. Census Bureau

Louisiana (4.4) Mississippi (2.9) Alabama (4.7) Florida (18.5)

…would these vile beasts detonate Louisiana fault line causing Great Lakes (600 ft above sea level) to flow into Gulf of Mexico?

Mississippi River Fault Line & Great Lakes

click here for States Bordering Mississippi

FEMA & Related Executive Orders (also see sidebar)

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OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) founded 1960 to coordinate (FIX)  petroleum policies of  Zionist Rothschild/Rockefeller Dynasties and their Middle Eastern agents (rulers)  to provide member states with technical and economic aid. Basically a cartel (monopoly group) managing supply of oil to set price, and control world market.

Petrodollars: money Middle Eastern rulers receive as revenue from Rothschild/Rockefeller controlled nations, and then put back into those same nations’ banks owned by Rothschild/Rockefeller. When the Saudi’s receive money from U.S. for oil, it’s deposited in U.S. banks; the deposited money is referred to as petrodollars.

Cartel: tightly knit group of producers of a good or service, who conspire (act in collusion) to regulate supply in order to control (manipulate prices)

“competition is a sin”John D. Rockefeller

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report from James Fox in Louisiana — hear what a military siege feels like, before declaration of  MARTIAL LAW!

(Part 1)

(Part 2)

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SITREP:  Does anyone remember the FEMA coffins stacked like Tupperware outside Atlanta Georgia? (see blog header pic) well the heartless, cold-blooded GMT has decided it’s just about time to put them to use…

The tsunami of 2004 in the Pacific Islands and recent mega earthquake in Haiti were man made, using nuclear devices. They’ve been using H.A.A.R.P. (located in Gakona Alaska) to create hurricanes, and  the levies in New Orleans during Katrina were also detonated! Your leaders are cruel, deceitful Satan worshippers all playing for same team, and no matter how much you give, support and trust them, they are united in the singular purpose of your destruction! — they have sworn “blood oaths” to accomplish that end…

Deep Water Horizon WAS NO ACCIDENT! This was a deliberate tactic, within Jesuit directed genocidal strategy — tens of millions will be destroyed, as economic resources dry up, resulting in civil unrest, triggering martial law declaration, subsequent herding into FEMA Camps (see sidebar) under the guise of relocation. The strategy to dismantle American economic strength via destruction of the “middle class”, has largely been accomplished by Global Management Team banksters, aiding by both Bush and Obama’s treasonous trillion-dollar giveaways, rubber stamped by “oil-soaked” Congress. We’re in the midst of a DEPRESSIONthee greatest!

This latest Fear-Based Trauma Op will render entire Gulf coastal region uninhabitable for untold number of years, as America is brought to her knees — she’s a rotting carcass ripe for the picking

Her military is too dispersed, her people have been divided, dumbed down, drugged-up and demoralized, all her institutions are failing — students of history know all too well what the next phase is! They’ve already demonstrated zero regard for human life w/the Fear-Based Trauma Op/Mass Sacrifice, executed on 9-11, that they STILL continue to LIE about through their agents in media and puppets in the Senate, Congress & White House…

Now the bi-racial wonder-boy/genius is uttering pure stupidity — “we’re going to clean it up so it’s better than before” — Really? While those of  you who are awake, attempt to keep tabs on the ticking time bomb in the Gulf of Mexico, in the form of a methane gas bubble, or possible tsunami, Global Mgt. Team is frolicking in the California Redwood Forests w/BETA Prog’md Mind Control Slaves at their Annual Megalomaniac Summer PEDO-Fest at Bohemian Grove. In accordance w/Black Nobility Protocol, each successive administration (regime) must advance the cause of globalism (One World Government) and as such the Obama administration is by far the most corrupt, wicked administration this country has ever seen — and ALL of the above is really just the tip of the iceberg!

they’ve already got THEIR food & medicine stored for the coming apocalypse in Svalbard Storage Facility

Global Mgt. Team plans to dine alone, they're not the sharing kind!

Deep Water Horizon Occult Coding – this was a blatant Occult-Masonic Coded Event! (11) deaths recorded on April 10, 2010. This event was foreshadowed in the movie “Knowing” Director Alex Prayos (all his films feature strong occult themes); stars Nicolas Cage (born Nicolas Kim Coppola w/ impeccable Hollywood credentials [genealogy] as  nephew of  Francis Ford Coppola) released 3/20/09 and contains blatant “predictive programming” (implantation of the trauma in the sub-conscious mind, so when it occurs it won’t seem so out of the realm of possibility) This is evidence event was planned at least 2 yrs ago, by Global Mgt. Team Occultists…

Occult-Masonic Coding in “Knowing” Foreshadowed BP Gulf Oil Eco-Terror

Foreshadowed events: date 4/10/2010; location Gulf of Mexico; description oil platform sinks resulting in (11) deaths — what’s over the “horizon?” the “sun” (symbol of occult worship). Film opens w/sun bursting, all-seeing-eye. Time on clock “11:56” 1+1+5+6 =(13) the number (11) and multiples thereof; and (13) are the most powerful, in occult numerology. Clock is shown again w/2 minutes expiring (each representing one year) final shot of clock is “12:00” an anagram for 2010. Camera zooms in on paper containing several numbers (666) combo is clearly visible, and camera lingers on (8) referencing Book of  Revelation 8:8 describing Seventh Seal opening, where Trumpet Judgments containing  vials (or bowls) are poured out…

“Then the second angel sounded: And something like a great mountain burning with fire (oil platform?) was thrown into the sea, and a third of the sea became blood (red substance now flowing in Gulf?) And a third of the living creatures in the sea died (aquatic/marine life are dying), and a third of the ships were destroyed” (when under water methane gas bubble under intense pressure rises, surrounding water in Gulf will lose buoyancy, creating a vortex  and ships will sink) but this will be as a result of a “man-made” detonation, NOT THE HAND OF GOD! Remember Satan is the “master of deception, father of lies and the author of confusion” and is attempting (through his agents on earth, global mgt. team’s media) to fool the people of God into believing we are further along in the Book of Revelation, then we really are…


Tragically…apostate Christianity (seeking political power rather than spiritual enlightenment) has become the norm in America and elsewhere; people do not “read” the scriptures (thus no revelation is forthcoming), but rather rely upon charismatic charlatans to recite their twisted versions to them — and ALWAYS for a price!

BP Gulf Eco-Terror is a yet another Fear-Based Trauma Op under full military authority — NSA, DoD, USJFCom, CIA, Mossad, MI6, ONI, NRO, FBI, USN, USAF, Homeland Security (Vaderland in German), BATF, Dept. of Interior, Dept. of Energy and of course major media (left & right) are all on board …

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excellent synopsis @ Let’s Roll Forums

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To those who serve Global Management Team who occupy the “capstone” above the pyramid; all you MK-Ultra Monarch Mind Control Programmers & Handlers, and mid-level GMT sycophants who “walk between the raindrops” who have spent your life denigrating, demeaning and demoralizing  decent people, who don’t tie character to net worth statements are in for a rude awakening! Remember how you laughed at those who refused to go along, to get along, refused to sacrifice principles, those of us who took the straight and narrow path, and did not join their wicked councils? You were foolish enough to believe if you helped to carry out their wicked plans they would share their rule w/you? Prepare for a real shock – Global Management Team HAS DECEIVED YOU TOO! You have been programmed as well, to be racist, greedy, ruthless, vile and totally devoid of human emotion. All your cute code words, smugness, sly grins, inside jokes, corporate connections, secret club affiliations, false sense of superiority, alleged superior intellect, reasoning ability, and pedigrees will not save you from the coming apocalypse. You will not be able to litigate or legislate your way out of this; there is no backroom deal to secure your escape! Watch now as your beloved fiefdom is turned into the habitation of robotic slaves living on bare necessities. After they’ve cataloged, quarantined and micro-chipped you, your silly oaths and physical features will matter not one twit…

…you will have been absorbed into the hive of Mind Controlled Slaves!

The worldwide Shadow Gov’t is ready to unveil itself and implement their “Final Solution” — the current global economic meltdown will justify currency replacement, mass micro-chipping, and mass extermination! All the talk of “nuclear option” to stop the leak is merely “predictive programming” and telegraphing detonation of upper levels of “the mantle” in  Gulf of Mexico , resulting in massive toxic cloud containing methane which will be radioactive. The human toll will be in tens of millions. Destruction of livestock, crops etc. will cause pestilence, famine, triggering declaration of martial law, setting the stage for  planned merger of Canada, U.S. & Mexico and establishment of  new region — North American Union (NAU), new currency (Amero) is already minted. Yes, Obama was indeed elected (installed) to do big things…

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Additional Resources on Impending Cataclysmic Events

Architecture of Modern Political Power

Bloodlines of Illuminati Fritz Springmeier

Dangerous Methane Levels in Gulf of Mexico

Dangers of Tsunami’s In Gulf of Mexico

Nationalization of Anglo-Persian Oil Co & Attempted Overthrow of Shah of Iran

Benzene Environmental Health Fact Sheet

Methane Hydrates; also Dr. Miriam Kastner Planetary Gas Hydrates Lecture

Be Well & Stay Vigilant

May His Countenance Always Shine Upon Thee…


Filed under Political Paradigm, Social Alchemy, Uncategorized